How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

miercuri, 15 iunie 2011


  • Mladita din Samanta boltind in sus spre Cer,isi cere partea sa de mostenire.Strabatand adancimile Pamantului,s-a indreptat insetata spre Izvor.Din Abis a luat apoi o parte din vesnicie,pentru toate clipele care vor trece ca un fior pe langa fruntea sa.Prinzand in Sine clipirea undelor a strapuns pulpa Pamantului.Cu mugurul indreptat spre Cer,asteapta sa se statorniceasca pe acest razor.Esenta sa fi fost sau Os lasat in viata sub pamant?Izvorul a curatat razorul si a cuprins mladita.Acum pot sa ascult soaptele radacinilor.Cresterea lor este ca un cantec incetinel,insa smulse din pamant scrasnesc neimpacate. Privesc in treacat spre poteca dinspre Munte.Drumetul si-a pus bocceaua-n spate si dus a fost.Adunase de pe camp flori de sunatoare si musetel pentru ceaiul de acasa.Ridicat in cununa pe fruntea capitelor,fanul proaspat cosit inmiresmeaza aerul.Mladita se inalta mangaiata usor de adierea vantului,intr-o splendoare de culori din praf de stele.Cerul s-a acoperit,ca o plecaciune in fata Icoanelor"Cate oase atatea mladite,cate flori atatea miresme"-murmurand usor,Ielele frumoasele isi fac cununa.Se apropie Sanzienele.
    • Offshoot of the seed vault up to the sky ask for part of his legacy.It crosses Earth"s depths,he turned thirsty for spring.From the Abyss then took a part of eternity for all the moments that will pass as a thrill over his forehead.Wearing in himself where he pierced thigh flashing Earth.With buds pointing to the sky waiting to settle on this patch.Its essence was or Bone,living left in the ground?Spring clean the patch and covered the shoot.Now I can hear whispers roots.Their growth is a song that gently but ripped from the ground unrelenting grind.I look to the path passing from the Mount.Hiking and put the bundle on his back and was gone.Gathered from the field of hay and chamomile flowers for tea home.High in the crown of the forehead cocks freshly mown hay fragrant evening air.The shoot is slightly comforted by the wind high in a splendor of colors of star dust.The sky was covered as a bow in front of icons."How many bones as many shoots,each flower as many scents"-babbling slightly,Beautiful Elves make their crown Sanziene is coming.