How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

vineri, 20 mai 2011


  • Pornesc spre Izvor.In vale se aude curgerea apei.Cerul instelat este atat de boltit,incat,privind printre degete,haloul ramas in undele de aer,imi pare a fi o catedrala.Cat de ascuns e zvonul,cat de infiorata bataia inimii,ca o purificare intr-un templu uitat in timp.Astept tacuta,ca Ielele frumoasele,ca niste regine ale noptii,purtand in plete parfum inmiresmat din praf de stele,sa deschida Poarta care duce spre Izvor.Timide,tacute,cu ochi stralucitori,ascunzandu-se in dans pribeag printre copaci,s-au asezat in palma mea,ca niste picaturi de roua.Cerbul Muntelui scormoneste neancetat cu copita,spre locul care duce in Adanc.In semnul pamantului reavan,se deschide Poarta,prin care,trecand ca un print,cu nari frematand de dor si insetat,trebuie sa bea din apa de Izvor,ascunsa in umbra tenebrelor.Ca niste licurici,lanturile cad incet,in iarba.Pietre ramase pe stanci,se rostogolesc in taina,ca bataile unei inimi in noaptea instelata,asternand pe fruntea mea,ca picaturi de roua,dulcea sarutare a Ielelor frumoaselor.In semnul noptii,un licurici,ca un menestrel trimis din Cer,asteapta in iarba,sa puna seminte de lumina in urma pasilor mei,ca niste felinare,sa nu uit niciodata drumul spre Izvor.Ascult insetata curgerea apei,atat de pura,de inmiresmata si de rece,incat firimiturile de paine culese de la masa Stapanului,se transforma in balsam,in Ungerea de care trupul meu are nevoie pentru urcus.
  • Start to Spring.In the valley you can hear water flowing.Starry sky is so arch,that on among the fingers,halo remained in the air waves,I seem to be a cathedral.How hidden is rumor,how creepy heartbeat,as a purification in the temple looked time.Wait quietly,that Beautiful Elves,like queens of the night,wearing in hair fragrant perfume of star dust,open the Gate wich leads to spring.Shy,silent,with bright eyes,hiding-in wandering dance through the trees were settled in my palm,like drops of dew.Deer Mountain burrows with hoof to the place that leads into the abyss.In the moist earth sign,it opens the door,wich,moving like a prince,with flickering nostrils of longing and thirsting,need to drink from spring water,hidden-in the shadows of darkness.Like fireflies,chains are falling slowly in the grass.Stones left on the rocks roll-in mystery,that beats of a heart-in starry night,dusting on my forehead,that drops of dew,a sweet kiss of Beautiful Elves.In the sign of the night,a firefly,like a minstrel sent from heaven,waiting in the grass,to lay light seeds,following my steps,like lamps,never forget the way to Spring.Listen thirsty water flow,so pure,fragrant and cold,that the bread crumbs collected  from the Master table,turns in balm,in anointing that my body needs to climb.