- Ma refugiez printre cuvinte,ca sa ascult fiorul ascuns al Universului.Cu fata intoarsa spre Lumina,astept ca Ielele frumoasele sa revina din calatoria lor prin Cercul de Foc al Pamantului,locul tainic,ca o clepsidra,in care statornicesc toate dorintele nespuse ale Pamantenilor.Doar Izvorul le trdeaza prezenta,prin strafulgerari catifelate de lumina,ascunzandu-se in joaca printre undele din apa si din aer.Intind palmele spre acest minunat taram,ca sa-i simt prezenta,deschizand cu grija o poarta spre mijlocul cuvintelor.Astfel,printre Anotimpuri,Pamantul este binecuvantat cu soaptele sfintilor.Ingenunchez in rugaciune,cu o lacrima in coltul ochilor.Cu fruntea aplecata spre Pamant,ca frunzele desprinse de pe ramura copacilor,ma rog Cerului,sa mai stea cu mine inca o Eternitate,aici,pe Pamant,langa jertfa lasata in urma cuvintelor.Atunci,acoperi-ma-vor undele de ape,iar colturi minunate de stanci,se vor oglindi,alunecand ca un luceafar,peste ochii mei,dar cuvintele mele,Ielele frumoasele se vor odihni in trupul meu,risipit in praful de stele,primind ,in timp,jertfa inimii,rastignita inca din copilarie,ca un copil parasit.
- I seek refuge among the words,to listen hidden thrill of the Universe.Facing the light,wait for the Beautiful Elves to return from their journey throught the Circle of Fire the Earth,the secret place,like an hourglass in which establiched the unspoken desires of all peoples.Only Spring reveals it this by soft flashes of light,hiding in play among the waves of water and air.Extend palms to this great land,I feel to this,opening with care a gateway to the middle of words.So,among Seasons,Earth is blessed with saints whispers.Kneeling in prayer with a tear in the corner of the eyes.With forehead bowed down to earth,like loose leaves from the tree branch,bring a prayer of Heaven,to stand with me,still an eternity,here on Earth,near sacrifice,lagging behind the words.Then,waves of water will cover me,and beautiful corners of rock will mirror,slipping,like a star upon over my eyes,but the words,my Beautiful Elves,will rest in my body,dispersed in the dust of stars and received,in time,sacrifice heart,crucified,since childhood,as an abandoned child.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
duminică, 17 aprilie 2011
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