How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

joi, 25 iulie 2013


Is heard-in the night,whispers...and the waters-in the valley.

Walnut leaves heard-in the night.

Is heard the murmur of Fairies,gathered-in haste,at edge of fountain.

Is heard-in the night,whispers...hitting the wing through the curtains of stars.

Is heard-in the night,as fell through whispers,like a tear from heaven eyelash,Desra-beautiful
with long hair braided-dark blue.

Beautiful Elves are open the Gate-of Heaven.

Lean fountain were hanging,the stones wet and cold
like rosary,at girdle nuns.

Is heard-in the night,whispers...for Fairies,restless,calling me
as if suddenly,
they would have fallen
a piece-of heaven-in shirt pockets...too much beauty,
are ready falling stars,with their thin fabric,spun with love from moonlight.

Is heard-in the night,whispers...whispers,
lost-in crystalline waves-of Spring.

Catching palms of Desra.
In my heart,like a veil echo.
Near Gate longing,tears.
Over Stone darkness,tears-of saints.

Is heard-in the night,whispers...shadow fountain leaned over my forehead,a sign-of luck...
they fell stars from the pockets of Fairies.

Is heard-in the night,whispers...and the waters-in the valley setting the path-of grass,
the place where will drink stags.

Is heard-in the night,whispers...for time,
hit with wing my forehead...dropping tear.


Wires dream...wires velvet dream.

Wires dream-of grass field,left in the summer,homeless...dream wires,cramped,hungry,
waiting quietly-in the corner of the heart.

At the gates-of the night knock thoughts,like pilgrims...thoughts,
cleaned by passing longing.

With foreheads bowed,wires shelter-in the deep Earth...dream wires.

My travels are pierce the words,halts,interrupted the calling of the Earth...crystal Spring flow...
mazes spell -of chilhood,troubling questions,unanswered.

On my forehead,fresh dew drops...the kiss blade-of grass,
delicate fabrics,embroidered tree roots on the Earth hearth.

Feel like a bead-on the edge Fountain,Time...a shooting star,turned-in flight.

Listen to the story.
With an open heart-in palm,like a red pitcher coral,
waiting to flow from heaven dream wires,droplets-of wisdom.

In the forest,oak tambourine to Winter...beautiful girl with candy-in his pockets.

Wires dream...with watershed landmark fountain,a game from childhood...dream wires,
with palms placed over the eyes like a veil...weaving through my fingers of sunlight.

Thought is back-on the wings of a dream.

Barefoot,with loins girded by a belt dandelions...dream wires,wires dream,as a red petals,hidden fist.