How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

marți, 29 martie 2011


    • Singuratatea a cazut peste ochii mei,ca Norii Negrii,fara continut,curgand in Cuvinte,ca un Izvor,cu fruntea indreptata spre Cer,spre seva trupului-semn ca Ceva nu merge,ca Cineva s-a imbolnavit de Dor,este slabit din pricina Lanturilor si nu mai poate plange.Cand Cuvintele devin Umbre,inima ranita invata sa asculte chemarea lor,sa le simta prezenta,ca o adiere de vant in primavara.Apoi,lanturile se desfac in tacere,in inima se strecoara un gand,o speranta.Poposind sub umbra copacilor,Ielele frumoasele s-au prins in jocul lor.
    • Lonelinnes fell over my eyes,as dark clouds,without content,flowing in words,like a spring,with forehead toward heaven,to sap of body-a sign that something is going wrong,that someone was sick of longing,is weakened because Chain,and can not complain.When words become shadows,wounded heart learns to listen to their calling,to feel their presence,like a spring breeze.Then the chains unfold in silence,in the heart slips a thought,a hope.Halt under the shade trees,Beautiful Elves were caught in their game.