How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

luni, 4 aprilie 2011


  • Vino sa colindam prin Curcubeu.Este ora cand roua de pe frunze,inmiresmata cu cel mai puternic parfum al genunilor,e pregatita sa imbratiseze urma pasilor tai.Numai acum,cand tainele Universului sunt in asteptare,lumina zorilor va avea putere sa-si dezvaluie misterul.Asa,voi avea curajul sa te prind de mana,sa te privesc in ochi,sa-ti zambesc,sa-ti dezvalui emotii,adunate in inima mea,ca Mataniile.Eram copil cand alergam cu ochi stralucitori pe strazile Singuratatii,cu inima pusa in piept de un Inger.Uite,se asterne roua sub urma pasilor tai,Pamantul a insetat si s-a racit.A venit timpul sa-i punem pe mijloc Braul acesta,tesut din fire argintii de praf de stele.Haideti,Ielelor frumoaselor,mai este timp pentru inca o Lacrima de Roua pana la ivirea zorilor.Acoperiti,acoperiti cu Praf de Stele,Cercul Pamantului,pentru ca trezirea diminetii sa fie de folos oamenilor.
  • Come to wander the Rainbow.The time when dew on leaves,fragrant with the strongest scent of abyss,is ready to embrace traces of your steps.Only now,when the mysteries of the universe are waiting,dawn will have power to reveal the mystery.So,I will have the courage to grasp your hand,to look in your eyes,to smile you,to reveal emotions,gattered in my heart,like beads.I was a child when running with bright eyes,on streets of solitude,the heart put in the chest by an angel.Look,dew settles follow your steps-in,and Earth has thirsty and cold.It is time to put them in the middle Belt-it,weaving of silver wire of star dust.Come on Beautiful Elves,there is still time for another tear Dew until dawn.Covered,covered with star dust circle Earth,for waking up the morning to be useful to people.