- Mladitele galbene de marar au umplut gradinile.Palarii cu borul larg si miros de farmacii,si-au pus semnul trecerii peste Pamant.Cirese somnoroase,margelate si parfumate,ca Mataniile,s-au prins ca cercei,de buza crengilor.In umbra frunzelor,visine timide privesc printre gene,parca n-ar mai vrea sa fie culese.Doua cruci,ca doua unghiuri:dulce-aromat si acrisor-insangerat,s-au pus de straja la cumpana fantanii.Una spre Est,foarte aproape de Pamant,iar alta spre Vest,foarte departe,aproape de Cer.Din cel mai sigur punct al Fantanii,in ciripit de vrabiute,umbra celor doua cruci,s-a ridicat incet,ca un voal catifelat,ascunzandu-se in taina norilor albi.Se contopesc in crucifix,ca o ancora fixata puternic in Prezent.De atunci,de cand cu impartirea painilor,din aproape in aproape,ascunsi sub pervazul Cerului,intram in Natura,ca printr-o usa.Atat de aproape si celest,incat,atingand cu palmele,o frunza cazuta,ca un zbor obosit,ai putea simti cum pulseaza,cu efervescenta inversunata,Abisul.Ca o chemare,ca o atingere,ca o incatusare mult asteptata,pe care nicicand nu o vei uita,pentru ca gustul amar si dulce al fructelor,te imbie in fiecare dimineata,ascuns in umbra minunat de tandra a iubirii.
- Yellow sprouts of dill filled gardens.Hats with wide brim and smell pharmacies have made Earth crossing sign.Cherries,sleepy,seed beads,such as scented rosary were caught earrings the lip branches.In shadow leaves,sour cherries shy,look among genes,like it would not like to be picked.Two crosses,that two angels:sweet-flavored and sour-bloody,have put for watch on sweep fountain.One towards the East,close to the Earth,and one to the West,far away,close to heaven.From the Fountain safest point,in chirping of sparrows,the shadow of the two crosses,rose slowly,like a soft veil,hiding in mystery white clouds.Merge the cross,as an anchor,firmly fixed in the present.Since then,when the division bread,step by step,hidden under the sill of Heaven,get into nature,as through a door.So close and celestial,that, with palms touching a fallen leaf,like a tired fly,you could feel the pulsing,effervescent with bitter,the abyss.As a calling,as a touch,as a fetter,more expected that you will not never forget that the taste bitter and sweet of fruits,invites you every morning,hidden in the shadow wonderfully tender love.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
miercuri, 29 iunie 2011
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