How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

vineri, 29 aprilie 2011


  • Sufletul mi s-a ascuns in inima,ca intr-o gradina fermecata,in care s-au refugiat gandurile,ca niste nestemate pietrificate,cazute din Cer,ca lacrimi.Pornesc in sus,spre Munte,purtand in palme,ca un semn,prima piatra intalnita pe poteca.Simt caldura pietrei,ca o boare racoritoare in zorii diminetii,cand curcubeul imbratiseaza Pamantul,ca o panglica colorata,de sentimente ascunse in lumina.Primeste-o si in palmele tale,incatusata de pulsul cadentat al Timpului,adaugand,peste praful de stele,un tainic mister,al Cuvintelor.In inima mea,caldura pietrei,se transforma,printr-o usoara strangere,intr-o alta materie,a nisipului matasos din adancul oceanelor,realitati cutremuratoare atat de criptate,incat dorul dupa Ingeri,ar putea aduce,inapoi,pe Pamant,puterea Iubirii.
  • My soul was hidden in my heart,as in a magic garden,where they took refuge thoughts,like petrified diamonds,fallen from heaven,like tears.Start up the mountain,carrying in palms,as a sign,the first stone found on the path.I feel warm stone,like a soft breeze in the early morning,when the bow,hug the earth as a  colored ribbon,of feelings hidden in the light.Get it in your palms,bound to the rhytmic pulse of the Times,adding,over the dust of stars,a mysterious mystery of the Words-are Beautiful.In my heart,warm stone becomes,by slightly raising,in another matter,the soft sand of the deep oceans,the trembling realities as encrypted,that longing after Angels could bring back the power of Love.