- Ma aplec in Adanc,ca sa ascult cuvintele inteleptilor.Cu pasi marunti pornesc spre o fantana,atingand,in treacat,cu fruntea,umbra pridvorului ce sta sa cada.Ca un glas taraganat,lantul invechit al cumpenei,scoate un jalnic suspin,ca o povara grea,ca si cum ar trebui sa duca pe umeri,intreg Universul rasturnat in Adanc.Ca intr-o metamorfoza a Iubirii,patrunsa in adancul Pamantului,Izvorul urca incet,spre Curcubeu.Cu stele-n fantani,Pamantul se odihneste.Veniti,Ielelor frumoaselor,sa scoatem din Adanc,bacsisul pe care l-au lasat Ingerii,cand,trecand peste creasta dealului,si-au adus aminte ca sunt insetati.
- I lean into the Deep,to listen the wise words.Start with small steps toward a well,reaching in passing,forehead,the shade of porch about to fall.As a drawling voice,old chain the sweep well,take a sad sigh,like a heavy burden,as should lead to shoulders the entire universe toppled into the Abyss.As a metamorphosis of Love,inspireed deep Earth,spring up slowly,to Rainbow.With stars in wells,earth rests.Come,Beautiful Elves,to out of the Deep,tip left the Angels,when,passing over the crest of the hill,they remember that they are thirsty.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
vineri, 13 mai 2011
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