- Rasturnate peste Roata de Foc a Fantanii,Ielele frumoasele s-au pus pe ales apa de apa,undele de curgerea lor,curentul de bulboana-Spatiul deschis de Spatiul inchis,deschiderea spre lume de chemarea in Adancuri.Fiara are cunostinta de cei care murdaresc Pamantul si cauta printre radacinile copacilor,gustul amar al Nostalgiei.Noapte de noapte urca din Adanc in sus spre Cer,cete de licurici.Undeva,pe fundul Fantanii,spre curgerea Izvorului,zace insingurata o placuta argintie.Este foarte important ca Ielele frumoasele sa gaseasca placuta.Aici a cazut un trup ca pietrele de la picioarele prostituatei.Sub acest Nuc si-a pus Soldatul mana la piept.Rusinat de tacerea pietrelor si-a scuturat tunica de faramiturile de paine si s-a calugarit.Plecase spre Apus sa prinda o raza de soare,sa si-o puna-n piept in locul placutei de argint.Vrand sa-si astampere setea,si-a scapat placuta in Fantana ,apoi a adormit.Prind in palme puful papadiilor,adus in taina de adierea vantului caldut.La buza Fantanii stele coboara lin ca licurici,picurand usor.Cu umbra asezata dincolo de pleoapa Cerului,tufe de crini solitari,ca toiegele mosnegilor asculta zvonul vantului:"Sa nu ucizi-Sa nu-ti faci chip cioplit."Cuvinte schiopatand ranite,pierdute-acum si rastignite pe care-n jocul lor,Ielele frumoasele le-au gasit cand s-au certat.Ridic tacuta ciobul unui urcior spart si uitat.In zbor tremurat,licurici picati din Cer langa Fantana alina durerea pietrei.Astept.Ghemuita intr-un Cerc Boltit adanc in Trei Unghiuri ca de Foc,ascunsa in Abis printre tenebre,placuta argintata este impinsa-n sus printr-o misterioasa hipnoza.Srijinita fiind de cele doua unghiuri aduna ca-ntr-un Clopot,inlauntrul ei,toata puterea Lumii.Intre Cer si Pamant,Ielele frumoasele inconjoara,infioara,invartesc si scutura Fantana,tufele de crini,Samanta,placuta si faramiturile de paine intr-un vartej nebun.Zarurile au fost aruncate in cioburi pe Pamant:gasindu-le,parintilor dandu-le,sa faca Urciorul si sa-i astampere Dorul.Inlauntrul Triunghiului pana la rasaritul Soarelui,clopote bat usor.Cerbi chemati de ape asculta-n tacere ecoul Nostalgiei frangand sub copite primele frunze de Nuc cazute la buza Fantanii.
- Overturned above Weel of Fire Fountain,Beautiful Elves distinguish in particular,water of water,waves of their flow,wirlpool stream,opend space and closed space, to the world by calling into the dephts. Beast knows of those dirthy earth and seek among the roots of trees,the bitter taste of Nostalgia.Nightly climb from the dephts up to heaven groups of fireflies.Somewhere at the bottom of the well to flow source,lies a lone silver plate.It is very important for Beautiful Elves to find the plate.Here feel a body,as stones at the feet of the prostitute.Under the Walnut soldier put his hand to his chest.Ashamed of silence shook stones bread crumbs pilgrims and monks.Gone to the West to catch a ray of sun,and a put-in chest instead of silver plate.Wanting to quench thirst in the well plate and then dropped asleep.Fluff hands come in dandelions,smuggled the warm breeze.The fountain lip,stars down smoothly,as fireflies,dripping slightly.The shadow across the eyelid Heaven seated,solitary bushes lilies as grandfathers rods,hear rumors wind:"Do not kill"-"Do not make your idol".Limp words hurt,lost and crucified,whom did their game rumored,Beautiful Elves they found when they quarreled.Quietly pick up brokenshard of a pitcher once and forgotten.In flight trembling,dropped from heaven fireflies beside stone fountain mend hurt.Wait.Crouched in a circle vaulted three angles of fir, hidden among the darkness Abyss,silver plate is pushed upwards by a mysterious hypnosis.Being resting by two angles,gather as a bell within it,all the power of the world.Between Heaven and Earth,Beautiful Elves surrounds,shudder,shake and spin well,bushes lilies,seed,plate and crumbs of bread in a crazy whirlwind.The dice have been thrown in shards on Earth;finding them,parents give them,to make pitcher,and quench his desire.Inside the triangle,until sunrise,bells beat easily.Called waters deers hear the echo of nostalgia in silence,breaking the first walnut leaves under hooves feel at Fountain lip.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...