How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

miercuri, 29 iunie 2011


  • Mladitele galbene de marar au umplut gradinile.Palarii cu borul larg si miros de farmacii,si-au pus semnul trecerii peste Pamant.Cirese somnoroase,margelate si parfumate,ca Mataniile,s-au prins ca cercei,de buza crengilor.In umbra frunzelor,visine timide privesc printre gene,parca n-ar mai vrea sa fie culese.Doua cruci,ca doua unghiuri:dulce-aromat si acrisor-insangerat,s-au pus de straja la cumpana fantanii.Una spre Est,foarte aproape de Pamant,iar alta spre Vest,foarte departe,aproape de Cer.Din cel mai sigur punct al Fantanii,in ciripit de vrabiute,umbra celor doua cruci,s-a ridicat incet,ca un voal catifelat,ascunzandu-se in taina norilor albi.Se contopesc in crucifix,ca o ancora fixata puternic in Prezent.De atunci,de cand cu impartirea painilor,din aproape in aproape,ascunsi sub pervazul Cerului,intram in Natura,ca printr-o usa.Atat de aproape si celest,incat,atingand cu palmele,o frunza cazuta,ca un zbor obosit,ai putea simti cum pulseaza,cu efervescenta inversunata,Abisul.Ca o chemare,ca o atingere,ca o incatusare mult asteptata,pe care nicicand nu o vei uita,pentru ca gustul amar si dulce al fructelor,te imbie in fiecare dimineata,ascuns in umbra minunat de tandra a iubirii.
  • Yellow sprouts of dill filled gardens.Hats with wide brim and smell pharmacies have made Earth crossing sign.Cherries,sleepy,seed beads,such as scented rosary were caught earrings the lip branches.In shadow leaves,sour cherries shy,look among genes,like it would not like to be picked.Two crosses,that two angels:sweet-flavored and sour-bloody,have put for watch on sweep fountain.One towards the East,close to the Earth,and one to the West,far away,close to heaven.From the Fountain safest point,in chirping of sparrows,the shadow of the two crosses,rose slowly,like a soft veil,hiding in mystery white clouds.Merge the cross,as an anchor,firmly fixed in the present.Since then,when the division bread,step by step,hidden under the sill of Heaven,get into nature,as through a door.So close and celestial,that, with palms touching a fallen leaf,like a tired fly,you could feel the pulsing,effervescent with bitter,the abyss.As a calling,as a touch,as a fetter,more expected that you will not never forget that the taste bitter and sweet of fruits,invites you every morning,hidden in the shadow wonderfully tender love.

joi, 23 iunie 2011


  • Rasturnate peste Roata de Foc a Fantanii,Ielele frumoasele s-au pus pe ales apa de apa,undele de curgerea lor,curentul de bulboana-Spatiul deschis de Spatiul inchis,deschiderea spre lume de chemarea in Adancuri.Fiara are cunostinta de cei care murdaresc Pamantul si cauta printre radacinile copacilor,gustul amar al Nostalgiei.Noapte de noapte urca din Adanc in sus spre Cer,cete de licurici.Undeva,pe fundul Fantanii,spre curgerea Izvorului,zace insingurata o placuta argintie.Este foarte important ca Ielele frumoasele sa gaseasca placuta.Aici a cazut un trup ca pietrele de la picioarele prostituatei.Sub acest Nuc si-a pus Soldatul mana la piept.Rusinat de tacerea pietrelor si-a scuturat tunica de faramiturile de paine si s-a calugarit.Plecase spre Apus sa prinda o raza de soare,sa si-o puna-n piept in locul placutei de argint.Vrand sa-si astampere setea,si-a scapat placuta in Fantana ,apoi a adormit.Prind in palme puful papadiilor,adus in taina de adierea vantului caldut.La buza Fantanii stele coboara lin ca licurici,picurand usor.Cu umbra asezata dincolo de pleoapa Cerului,tufe de crini solitari,ca toiegele mosnegilor asculta zvonul vantului:"Sa nu ucizi-Sa nu-ti faci chip cioplit."Cuvinte schiopatand ranite,pierdute-acum si rastignite pe care-n jocul lor,Ielele frumoasele le-au gasit cand s-au certat.Ridic tacuta ciobul unui urcior spart si uitat.In zbor tremurat,licurici picati din Cer langa Fantana alina durerea pietrei.Astept.Ghemuita intr-un Cerc Boltit adanc in Trei Unghiuri ca de Foc,ascunsa in Abis printre tenebre,placuta argintata este impinsa-n sus printr-o misterioasa hipnoza.Srijinita fiind de cele doua unghiuri aduna ca-ntr-un Clopot,inlauntrul ei,toata puterea Lumii.Intre Cer si Pamant,Ielele frumoasele inconjoara,infioara,invartesc si scutura Fantana,tufele de crini,Samanta,placuta si faramiturile de paine intr-un vartej nebun.Zarurile au fost aruncate in cioburi pe Pamant:gasindu-le,parintilor dandu-le,sa faca Urciorul si sa-i astampere Dorul.Inlauntrul Triunghiului pana la rasaritul Soarelui,clopote bat usor.Cerbi chemati de ape asculta-n tacere ecoul Nostalgiei frangand sub copite primele frunze de Nuc cazute la buza Fantanii.
  • Overturned above Weel of Fire Fountain,Beautiful Elves distinguish in particular,water of water,waves of their flow,wirlpool stream,opend space and closed space, to the world by calling into the dephts. Beast knows of those dirthy earth and seek among the roots of trees,the bitter taste of Nostalgia.Nightly climb from the dephts up to heaven groups of fireflies.Somewhere at the bottom of the well to flow source,lies a lone silver plate.It is very important for Beautiful Elves to find the plate.Here feel a body,as stones at the feet of the prostitute.Under the Walnut soldier put his hand to his chest.Ashamed of silence shook stones bread crumbs pilgrims and monks.Gone to the West to catch a ray of sun,and a put-in chest instead of silver plate.Wanting to quench thirst in the well plate and then dropped asleep.Fluff hands come in dandelions,smuggled the warm breeze.The fountain lip,stars down smoothly,as fireflies,dripping slightly.The shadow across the eyelid Heaven seated,solitary bushes lilies as grandfathers rods,hear rumors wind:"Do not kill"-"Do not make your idol".Limp words hurt,lost and crucified,whom did their game rumored,Beautiful Elves they found when they quarreled.Quietly pick up brokenshard of a pitcher once and forgotten.In flight trembling,dropped from heaven fireflies beside stone fountain mend hurt.Wait.Crouched in a circle  vaulted three angles of fir, hidden among the darkness Abyss,silver plate is pushed upwards by a mysterious hypnosis.Being resting by two angles,gather as a bell within it,all the power of the world.Between Heaven and Earth,Beautiful Elves surrounds,shudder,shake and spin well,bushes lilies,seed,plate and crumbs of bread in a crazy whirlwind.The dice have been thrown in shards on Earth;finding them,parents give them,to make pitcher,and quench his desire.Inside the triangle,until sunrise,bells beat easily.Called waters deers hear the echo of nostalgia in silence,breaking the first walnut leaves under hooves feel at Fountain lip.

    miercuri, 15 iunie 2011


    • Mladita din Samanta boltind in sus spre Cer,isi cere partea sa de mostenire.Strabatand adancimile Pamantului,s-a indreptat insetata spre Izvor.Din Abis a luat apoi o parte din vesnicie,pentru toate clipele care vor trece ca un fior pe langa fruntea sa.Prinzand in Sine clipirea undelor a strapuns pulpa Pamantului.Cu mugurul indreptat spre Cer,asteapta sa se statorniceasca pe acest razor.Esenta sa fi fost sau Os lasat in viata sub pamant?Izvorul a curatat razorul si a cuprins mladita.Acum pot sa ascult soaptele radacinilor.Cresterea lor este ca un cantec incetinel,insa smulse din pamant scrasnesc neimpacate. Privesc in treacat spre poteca dinspre Munte.Drumetul si-a pus bocceaua-n spate si dus a fost.Adunase de pe camp flori de sunatoare si musetel pentru ceaiul de acasa.Ridicat in cununa pe fruntea capitelor,fanul proaspat cosit inmiresmeaza aerul.Mladita se inalta mangaiata usor de adierea vantului,intr-o splendoare de culori din praf de stele.Cerul s-a acoperit,ca o plecaciune in fata Icoanelor"Cate oase atatea mladite,cate flori atatea miresme"-murmurand usor,Ielele frumoasele isi fac cununa.Se apropie Sanzienele.
      • Offshoot of the seed vault up to the sky ask for part of his legacy.It crosses Earth"s depths,he turned thirsty for spring.From the Abyss then took a part of eternity for all the moments that will pass as a thrill over his forehead.Wearing in himself where he pierced thigh flashing Earth.With buds pointing to the sky waiting to settle on this patch.Its essence was or Bone,living left in the ground?Spring clean the patch and covered the shoot.Now I can hear whispers roots.Their growth is a song that gently but ripped from the ground unrelenting grind.I look to the path passing from the Mount.Hiking and put the bundle on his back and was gone.Gathered from the field of hay and chamomile flowers for tea home.High in the crown of the forehead cocks freshly mown hay fragrant evening air.The shoot is slightly comforted by the wind high in a splendor of colors of star dust.The sky was covered as a bow in front of icons."How many bones as many shoots,each flower as many scents"-babbling slightly,Beautiful Elves make their crown Sanziene is coming.

    marți, 7 iunie 2011


      • Ca niste scuturi grele taioase si reci,cuvinte nerostite cad ca oglinzi in jurul meu..Duc palmele la ochi. Cerul parca s-a coborat langa mine ca sa ma apere,punand la bataie toata armata ostirilor stelare.Caut o carte pierduta cand cu zvonirea Cuvintelor.In acest loc Ielele frumoasele si-au pus palmele fierbinti peste fruntea mea.Aici pastrez toate amintirile si dorintele smulse din inima atat de dureros,ca spinii.Pe aceste strazi am copilarit si mi-am pus palmele pe aceiasi copaci,care si astazi,pastreaza neschimbat,parfumul copilariei.Imagini dragi,au ramas ca urme sculptate pe trunchiul lor.In gradinile din Parc,Statuile parca vorbesc.Cu ochii intorsi inlauntrul lor,cladesc minunate Palate de clestar.Ca niste parinti,pastreaza un loc sigur pentru toti cei care se vor adaposti la umbra lor.De la fantana din mijlocul aleii,copiii arunca-n joaca stropi de apa-n sus spre Cer,privindu-le apoi caderea in zbor sagetat in jos.Un fluturas alb,adus in graba de caldura diminetii imi indreapta pasii spre corola cu frunze a  batranului Stejar.Sus,spre Cer,stropi de lumina se cern vrajiti printre frunze,alunecand usor in jos,la radacina Copacului.Ca o pasare cu zborul cazut pe Pamant,Cartea ma asteapta. Pierduta candva in vartejul clipelor,mi-a pastrat  toate amintirile-n Cuvinte.Ca imagini ascunse, le bagam in buzunarul nostru,strengareste..Cuvinte nerostite,asemenea frunzelor arse de vant se aseaza usor la umbra statuilor.Inalt Cartea spre Cer.In zbor rotit,Ielele frumoasele coboara-n jos,ridicandu-se apoi ca fluturi albi,dincolo de corola copacilor,ca sa imbratiseze Cerul.
      • Like a heavy shields,sharp and cold,unspoken words that mirrors fall around me..I put my palms on the eyes.The sky came down beside me as if to protect me,putting the entire army flight stellar hosts.Looking for a lost book when have rumored Words.In this place Beautiful Elves have put their hot hands over my head.Here I keep all the memories and desires of the heart so painfully torn as thorns.On these streets I grew up and put my palms on the same tree,which keeps unchanged today,the scent of childhood.Pictures loved,have remained carved marks on their trunk.In the gardens of the park,talking statues.With eyes turned inward inside them,build wonderful palaces of crystal.Like parents,keep a safe place for everyone to be their shelter in the shade.From the fountain in the middle of the alley,children throw drops of water in play up to the sky,then watching them fall down arrow in flight.A white butterfly,brought morning rush of heat turns my steps towards the corolla of the Old Oak Leaf.Upwards into the sky,drops of light bewitched sifted through the leaves,gently gliding down to the roots of the tree.Like a bird in flight feel to the Earth,the Book waiting for me.Someday lost in the whirlwind of moments,Book has kept me all the memories in Keywords.As a hidden pictures,stuffing them in our pocket,sprightly.Unspoken words like leaves burned slightly wind sits in the shadow of statues.High Book to Sky.In Flight rotated,Beautiful Elves going down and then rising as white butterflies,trees beyond the corolla,to embrace the sky.

    sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011


    • Am lasat usa bisericii deschisa si-am pornit grabita spre Izvor.Ca un pelerin,mirosul de tamaie ma insoteste pe drum.Se strecoara in preajma mea pentru a pecetlui amintirile,lucrurile,Calatoria si Locul.Din Munte s-a pornit un freamat de vant uscat.Am pus o candela in traista.Ca o cetate asediata,Padurea isi cheama Aparatorii.De la Portile Rasaritului s-a pornit un zvon cum ca lucrurile stiute nu vor mai fi.Fiara infometata da tarcoale Izvorului,ca sa zdrobeasca ciupercile.Purtata de vantul amiezii,zadarniceste drumul spre apa al caprioarelor.La chemarea Cerbului,Ciutele speriate isi croiesc drum prin Padure.Bat cu copita in locul ramas gol.Acolo am sa pun candela aprinsa.Frunze arse de caldura se aseaza tacute in frunzis,ca un avertisment.Ciocarlia s-a ascuns si nestiuta,isi curata hainuta.La strigatul Vulturului va porni ca o sageata-n sus,spre Soare,ca sa-i smulga Toiagul.Ielele frumoasele vor statornici din nou Anotimpurile,pe care Fiara a vrut sa le ascunda-n stanci cand a zdrobit ciupercile.Isi vor incrucisa bratele peste Padure,se vor zvoni si se vor rostogoli ca ciulinii,chicotind si imbrancindu-se pana la Maracinis.Vor lovi cu Toiagul in pamantul mocirlos si vor alunga Fiara.Prinzand in palme Toiagul,imi amintesc de o dimineata de vara cand bunica mea stropea  florile-n gradina.Aceasta amintire si lucrurile pe care le-am pastrat din ea sunt ca binefacerea pe care o facea ori de cate ori venea la noi cu bratele incarcate de flori.
    • I left the church door opened and I started to hurry spring.As a pilgrim,the smell of incense accompanying me on the road.Strain in to seal around Me memory,things,travel and The place.From the Mountain has started a dry rustling.I put a candle in my bag.As a city besieged,Forest calls his defenders.From the Eastern Gates has started a rumor that the known things would not be.Hungry beast,roaring the Spring,to crush mushrooms.Worn by the afternoon wind,water foiled way to the deer.In calling the Deer,scared Hints make their way through the forest.Hoof knock instead remained empty.There I was put candle lit.Leaves sit silent heat burned the foliage,as a warning.The skylark was hidden and unknown,his coat clean.On Eagle"s cry will start as an arrow up to the Sun to grab him The scepter.Beautiful Elves will settle back seasons beast wanted to hide in the rocks when he crush the mushrooms.They will cross their arms over Forest,will be rumored as thistles and will roll over,giggling and being shoved up the briers.They strike with the rod in the marshy land and will banish the beast.Catching rod in my hands,I remember one summer morning when my grandmother sprinkling flowers in the garden.This memory and the things I kept from it are like a blessing that she did,whenever came to us with arms full of flowers.

    vineri, 3 iunie 2011


    • Dincolo de dealul acesta cresc tufisuri cu mure.Cu palmele intepate de ghimpi duc Murele la gura.Gustul acesta dulce si parfumat imi aminteste intotdeauna de Calea Ingerilor.De atata singuratate trupul obosit cade pe camp ca un crucifix.Inca o data,in Cer se deschide o Poarta,ca sa treaca Ingerii.Asezati pe cale,Norii albi isi mangaie Stapanii,fiind ca un balsam in Calatoria lor prin Univers.Cand se vor intoarce din Calatorie,Ingerii vor purta pe frunte Semnul Pamantului.Obositi si impovarati,vor adormi la umbra fantanilor.Norii albi,ca niste mercenari,vor duce umbra Semnului in curtea bisericii.Tulburati si confuzi,Ingerii le vor cere plata.Si astfel,in mijlocul amiezii,chiar in curtea bisericii,Norii se vor scutura si vor pleca.Stropii de ploaie vor cadea ca banuti peste pietrele albe ale cimitirului,strecurandu-se apoi ca un Hoinar printre morminte.Ma aplec peste cumpana fantanii si ating cu palma Cerul .Banutii adunati am sa-i dau ca Ort pentru cei pentru care nu aprinde nimeni nici o lumanare.
    • Beyond this hill with blackberry bushes grow.With palms stung by the barbs go blackberrys in the mouth.Sweet and fragrant taste it always reminds me of Angel Way.From so solitude,tired body is on the field as a crucifix.Once again,in Heaven opens a gate to cross the Angels.Place Path,Withe Clouds caress their masters were like a balm on their journey across the Universe.When they return of the journey,the Angels will carry sign forehead of Earth.Weary and burdened wells will sleep in the shade.White clouds,like mercenaries,will lead the churchyard shadow sign.Troubled and confused,the angels will ask for payment.So in mid afternoon even in the churchyard,clouds will shake and leave.Drops of rain will fall like pennies over the white stones of the cemetery,then creep up as a wandering among the tombs.I leaned over the sweep and palm sky.The small coins have gathered to give that Ort,those for wich no one lights a candle.

    miercuri, 1 iunie 2011


    • Strigatul Pasarilor din inaltul Cerului-chemarea Zborului la o Rascruce.Aici e Locul in care,obosit de Calatorie te odihnesti si pornesti din nou pe un Drum tainic si cunoscut.Rascrucea te asteapta intotdeauna la capatul Drumului.Ca o Margareta de pe camp,iti primeste trupul insetat intre petale,pe covorul galben si catifelat al Corolei.Soarele,ca un banut,s-a transformat intr-un punct luminos spre care vei porni.Cate margarete atatea rascruci,cate pasari atatea strigate.Trebuie sa pastram Lanturile,ca o mostenire Zornaindu-le pe Pamant,trupul isi face legatura spre Locul de unde a pornit.Ca un Toiag,Locul acesta este binecuvantat inca de atunci de cand,facandu-si plimbarea de dimineata,Ingerii nu stiau cum sa calce prin Dumbrava ca sa nu striveasca Margaretele.
    • Birds scream from the sky-flight calling at a crossroads.This a place where,tired of Journey rest and start again on a mysterious way and knew.Crossroads always waiting at the end of the road.As a Daisy from the field,your body gets thirsty between petals and velvety carpet of yellow corolla.Sun,a penny has turned into a bright point to where you started.How many stars so many crossroads,as many birds as many screams.We need to keep the chains,as a legacy.Jingle on the Earth,the body is connection to the place where it started.As a staff,since the place is blessed since then,making their morning walk,Angels do not know how to walk through the Grove not to squash the daisies in their steps.