- Sa ucizi,intr-o lume perfecta,sa ucizi toate cuvintele.Sa ucizi bobite de lacrimi ce curg pe pamant,ca o crestere.Sa ucizi lumina,iubirea,nemarginirea,atat de aproape de inima ta,incat versul,ca un voal ancestral se topeste,curgand pe pamant.Cum ai putea,Pamantule,sa iti zadarnicesti schimbarea? Cum ai putea,Intunericule,sa iti adaugi lucrarea tesuta in nopti adanci,din trupul Ielelor frumoaselor?Cu mana intinsa atat de aproape de inima ta,trecut-au anii,si Timpul ramas-a neschimbat.Adanc este Cerul,acum aplecat spre ochii sperantei.Adanca e noaptea,si cat de adanca?Adanc aplecat,Adanc neschimbat,cum ai putea sa primesti cu ochii inlacrimati,un singur cuvant?Adanc aplecat,nu te-ai schimbat,Adanc ,aplecat peste trupul Ielelor frumoaselor,Adanc,aplecat in nemarginire.Fi-va ziua,mireasa ta?Fi-va iubirea,pecetea ta?Va fi cuvantul,atat de stingher,incat in noptile cu luna,ca un mesager al astrelor,sa cheme in ecou,cu lacrimi de inger,ca un lup,iubirea pierduta,ca o mireasa,in lumea perfecta,fara lumina,fara speranta,fara alinare?Necontenit e strigatul,cazuta-i speranta,in lumea perfecta ce-o purtam in taina,pe umerii goi.Cuvinte cazute ca lacrimi pe cripta,cuvinte indoliate,pe care niciodata,atingerea ingerilor nu le va curata.De 70 de ori cate 7,cazute pe morminte,ce tainica putere,cand in lumea perfecta,speranta a murit.Cazut e voalul peste minuni,cazut,ca o lacrima ce nu se va sterge,caci,omul,ca inger,nicicand nu va mai fi.
- To kill in perfect world,to kill all the words.To kill pearls of tears flowing on the ground,as an increase.To kill, light,love,infinity,so close to your heart,that verse as an ancestral veil melts,flowing to earth.How could earth,it thwarts your change?How could Darkness,to add your canvas,woven deep nights,from body of Beautiful Elves?With helping hand so close to your heart,years went by,and time remains unchanged.Deep is the sky now leaning towards eyes of hope.Deep is the night,and how deep?Deeply leaning,Deep unchanged,as you could get,watery eyes,a single word?Leaned deeply,you have not changed,Deep leaned over body Beautiful Elves,Deep leaned in infinity.Will be the day your bride?It will be love your seal?Word be so lonely,that in the nights the moon as a celestial messenger,to call the echo,with tears of angel,like a wolf,lost love,as a bride,in a perfect world,no lights,no hope,no relief?Is continually cry,fallen is hope,in a perfect world,what will secretly wear on bare shoulders.Words fell like tears crypt mourning words,which never reach angels will not clean.70 times by 7,fallen on the graves,the mysterious power,when in a perfect world,hope died.Is veil fell upon wonders,fell like a tear that will not delete,because man,that angel,never will be.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
vineri, 6 mai 2011
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