- Acoperita ca un voal de nostalgia atator dimineti,pornesc prin Valea Muntelui.Sub pasii mei,pamantul reavan,cazut peste noapte de pe copitele caprioarelor,freamata,ca sub atingerea aripilor stravezii ale unui spiridus.Cu fruntea indreptata spre Cer,ascult cum curge Izvorul.Mugurii copacilor sunt pregatiti sa dea in floare.M-am intors din maruntaiele Pamantului si port pe trup semnul intunericului din genuni. In acest loc se afla Poarta Adancurilor,locuinta inmiresmata a spiridusilor,in care se zamislesc visuri ciudate,asternute ca un polen multicolor,peste nedeslusitele ecouri ale Intunericului.Deschid lacatul si ma opresc in mijlocul acestui univers impietrit,ca o picatura de apa vie,cazuta din Cer.In cercuri concentrice,din ce in ce mai largi,cad ca o petala,bobita de vis,din launtrul careia se aud tot mai puternic bataile inimii,ca sunetele cristaline ale clopotelor din turla catedralei,cuprinzand,ca un voal magic de iubire,imprejurimile nepatrunselor carari ale Abisului.Cu frica in priviri cat Cerul,ating cu palmele,pietre ramase de la inceputuri,cand cuvintele se rastalmaceau in apele Izvorului.Intunericul ma primeste in casa lui.De atat singuratate,legaturile copacilor se prind ca intr-o imbratisare,ca sa nu raceasca.Aici,printre umbrele tenebrelor,primesc in inima soaptele Izvorului.ca o binecuvantare.Sagetatoare umbre,ca niste liane aduse de ganduri,se ascund in urma mea,incercand sa-mi cuprinda fiinta,sa imi opreasca trecerea.De aici,din acest imens locas al singuratatii,nu mi-e mai frica,pentru ca stiu ca apa duce catre Cer.Cuprinsa de un neasteptat sentiment al trecerii ,imi ridic ochii spre Cer,ca sa-i ascult cresterea.Cercuri concentrice aduse de ganduri,cheama,prin bataile inimii,ca un ecou straveziu purtat pe aripi,de ingeri,intoarcerea Ielelor frumoaselor,sa zadarniceasca,prin dans,nelinistitele liane intunecate ale tenebrelor.Si,ca un voal straveziu,iubirea ma cuprinde,ridicand trupul meu spre lumina,asezandu-mi trecerea pe firele de iarba,impodobite de picaturile de roua ale diminetii.Cu genele intredeschise,inlacrimate,Ielele frumoasele ating,in taina,inima mea.Ascult in tacere cantecul greierilor,ca un zvon tremurat,purtat pe aripi de spiridusi.Ca niste cirese dulci,zemoase,bataile cadentate ale inimii se lovesc,acum,de fruntea mea.Printre degete,Azurul,ca un hoinar,s-a ratacit,ca sa-mi aminteasca,sa nu uit niciodata drumul catre casa.
- Covered with a veil of nostalgia that so many mornings,starting through Mountain Valley.Under my steps,moist ground,fell overnight on deer hooves on the trail,shudder,as in achieving flimsy wings,of a brownie.With forehead toward heaven,listening to flowing spring.Tree buds are ready to give in bloom.I turned the bowels of the earth,and wear on the body,dark mark from naught.In this place is deep Gate,fragrant home of elves,that is conceived,strange dreams,fall like a multicolored pollen over uncertain echoes of darkness.Open the lock and stop in the middle of this universe hardened as a drop of living water fell from the sky.The concentric circles of the wider fall like a petal,pearls dream,from within which is heard more and more powerful,heart rate,crystalline sounds of bells of the cathedral,including as a magic veil of love,unfathomable surroundings paths of the Abyss.With fear in my eyes,as Heaven,reach with palms stones left over from the beginning,when words are twisted in the water Spring.Darkness accept me into his house.So much loneliness,bonds trees cling like a hug,not cool.Here,among the shadows of darkness,received into the heart,whispering Spring,a blessing.Piercing shadows,like lianas,brought of thoughts,hiding behind me,trying to contain my being,to stop my passage.Here in this huge house of loneliness,I'm more afraid not,for I know that water goes to Heaven.Seized with a sudden feeling of the passage,I looked up to heaven,to listen growth.Concentric circles brought of thoughts,called by heartbeat,echoing stone,worm on the wings of angels,returning Beautiful Elves,frustrate through dance,lianas restless dark of darkness.And like a gauzy veil,love embrace me,lifting my body to the light,settling my passage on the grass,trimmed drops of morning dew.Eyelashes parted with tears,Beautiful Elves reach,in secret,my heart.Listen in silence,crickets,as a rumor trembling,carried on the wings of elves.Like sweet cherries,juicy,heart beat rhythm,it hit my forehead now.Among fingers,azure like a wanderer,got lost so that I remember,never forget the road home.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
vineri, 6 mai 2011
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