How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

duminică, 25 septembrie 2011


It is the leaf,as a clam printed in the my palm,
as the sun in twilight,a rainbow hidden stars.

It is the leaf,as a heart that still beats...vibrating silently with the wind-the thought,nearer the earth.

It is the leaf,as a mystery hidden among rocks...whispering with moss,colorful words.

It is the leaf a gentle prayer...frosting silver pearls-beautiful words.

Hidden among the grass,as a shinning is the leaf,
embrace in the morning light...the trust.

In the night,she split off,as a beetle,from a budding thread of bluish rose...buds,
like the sky in twilight,shy,sweet as a kiss.

It is the leaf,as the good...the spring whispered her yearning...hear heart,the spring.

It is the leaf,like a ruby diamond-heart,enriching the cloak of roses.

In my palm,as the sun in twilight,a rainbow hidden stars.