- Pastrand ca pe un tezaur,picaturile de roua ale diminetii,fire de iarba,ca niste soldatei,incolonati de-a lungul Potecii,asteapta sa duca-n Lume,Povestea,ascunsa ca o lacrima,in semintele papadiilor.Unde de aer,trimise de-un vant molatic,se strecoara printre pietre,adapostindu-se,ca Ielele frumoasele,printre crengile inflorite ale copacilor.Involburate si tacute,asculta curgerea Izvorului din Munte,cautand albia apei,printre radacinile copacilor.Ca un tumult ,inmanunchiat de forte ascunse de tenebre,ca niste lanturi asezate pe Pamant,radacinile copacilor si-au infipt,cu sarguinta degetele,insemnand locul,veacul.Cand eram copil,ma ascundeam printre firele de iarba,ca sa-mi ascult pasii,ramasi ca niste urme,in campul cu trifoi,apoi paseam cu grija pe covorul verde,sa-i simt prospetimea.Petale de vis peste ochi imi cadeau,alungand teama,si alergam spre o lume minunata ascunsa in inima,pastrata ca o comoara insemnata de Cer.Ascunzandu-se de umbre,acest indemn al firii,mi-a imbogatit copilaria,iar acum,privind din ascunzisul Padurii,poteca ce duce catre casa,o amintire fierbinte cade din inima mea,topindu-se in undele de aer,printre crengile copacilor.As vrea sa-i ating urma,dar topindu-se grabita in inserarea ce se lasa,mi se aseaza pe frunte,ca un strop fermecat din manunchiul de raze ale soarelui,in asfintit.
- Keep it as a treasure,droplets of morning dew,fresh grass blades,like soldiers,lined up along the path,waiting to lead in the world,Storry,hidden like a tear in dandelions seeds.Air waves send by a slow wind,strain among rocks sheltered it,like elves,among the blooming trees.Swirling and silent,listening Spring flow in the Mountain,looking water bed,among the roots of trees.When I was a child,I hid among the blades of grass,listen to my foot steps,left like traces in the clover field,and then pass with care,green carpet,to feel fresheness of.As a flurry,combined of forces hidden by darkness,like chains,lay on the ground,tree roots have diligently stuck fingers,mark the place,the age.Dream petals feel over my eyes,dispelling fear,and ran into a wonderful world,hidden in the heart,preserved as a significant treasure of heaven.Hiding in of shadows,the urge of the nature,has enriched my childhood,and now,concerning,of hiding Forest,the trail wich leads to the house,a hot reminder drops from my heart melts into air waves,among tree branches.I want to touch trace,but melting hastening grow dark,what is left,sits on my forehead,like a magic touch,the bunch of rays of sunshine in dusk.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...