How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

luni, 16 mai 2011


  • Fosneste,cazand ca o mangaiere,pe fruntea mea,asternand,prin freamatul undelor de aer,parfumul calatoriilor,cu intrebari ramase fara raspuns.Ca o aripa cazute pe pleoape-clipa aceasta vie,am s-o pastrez frematand de iubire,in inima mea.Ca intr-un templu al iubirii,Ielele frumoasele s-au asezat in locul de unde Pasarile isi iau zborul spre inima Muntelui.In zbor adaugat,razele Soarelui se rotesc,ascunse de umbra Padurii,cautand locul in care se vor intoarce.Ating cu palma coltul unui nor,impletind inele de visuri,din boboitele de roua,cazute pe varful firelor de iarba.In cantecul ascuns al cucilor-ecoul inaltimilor,in ascunzisul Padurii-urma cerbului,in nechezatul cailor-adancimile inconjurate ale fantanii.Ca intr-un templu al iubirii,Ielele frumoasele si-au pus mana streasina la ochi,privind in departare spre mijlocul Muntelui,ascultand,cu inima frematand de bucurie,cum pasii mei obositi,au gasit poteca de urcus,calcand cu grija printre pietre,printre firele de iarba,printre flori.
  • Rustled falling like a caress on my forehead,dusting,by rustling the air waves,perfume journeys with unanswered questions.As a wing hanging eyelids,this moment,I should keep it alive,flickering of love in my heart.As in a temple of love.Beautiful Elves settled in the place where birds take their flight to the mountain.In flight added,sunlight turn hidden by shadow Woods,seeking its place that will return.Touch,palm,corner of a cloud,braided rings of dreams,from berries of dew,fallen on top of blades of grass.The hidden song Cuckoo-echo heights in hidding Forest-trace deer,in neigh horses-sourrounded depths of the fountain.As in a temple of love,Beautiful Elves have put hand eaves eyes,looking away,the middle mountain,listening,flickering heart with joy,how tired my steps found the path ascent,stepping with care among stones,among blades of grass,among the flowers.

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