- Oglinda este Cerul,sicriul e Pamantul,o parte dintr-un Intreg,rotita,invechita si atat de necesara oamenilor,ca Apa.Alerg spre Locul in care heruvimii Intunericului,pastreaza apa de izvor si busuiocul pentru rugaciune,ca un semn al vesniciei.Mi-am aplecat fruntea inauntrul unui sicriu,ca sa-mi gasesc imaginea stravezie din oglinda,inima,ochii,palmele si Cuvintele-Ielele frumoasele,odihnindu-se ca intr-o scoica in care pulseaza Viata.Infiorata,am acoperit cu trupul meu oglinda,in semnul crucificarii,pentru un alt Timp,un alt Loc,o alta Iubire,dorita inca din copilarie,cand Jocul de-a Samariteanul era singura tasta apasata pe calculator.
- The mirror is Heaven,Earth's coffin,one part of a whole,rotated,outdated and much-needed people like water.I run to the place where cherubims of Darkness keeps spring water and basil for prayer,as a sign of eternity.I bent forehead inside a coffin to find my transparent picture in the mirror,the heart,the eyes,the palms and Words-Beautiful Elves,resting like in a shell in which pulsating life.Tingly,I covered the mirror with my body,in the sign crucifixion,for another time,another place,another love,wanted since childhood,when the game Samaritan was the only key pressed on the computer.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
marți, 19 aprilie 2011
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