- Sufletul mi s-a ascuns in inima,ca intr-o gradina fermecata,in care s-au refugiat gandurile,ca niste nestemate pietrificate,cazute din Cer,ca lacrimi.Pornesc in sus,spre Munte,purtand in palme,ca un semn,prima piatra intalnita pe poteca.Simt caldura pietrei,ca o boare racoritoare in zorii diminetii,cand curcubeul imbratiseaza Pamantul,ca o panglica colorata,de sentimente ascunse in lumina.Primeste-o si in palmele tale,incatusata de pulsul cadentat al Timpului,adaugand,peste praful de stele,un tainic mister,al Cuvintelor.In inima mea,caldura pietrei,se transforma,printr-o usoara strangere,intr-o alta materie,a nisipului matasos din adancul oceanelor,realitati cutremuratoare atat de criptate,incat dorul dupa Ingeri,ar putea aduce,inapoi,pe Pamant,puterea Iubirii.
- My soul was hidden in my heart,as in a magic garden,where they took refuge thoughts,like petrified diamonds,fallen from heaven,like tears.Start up the mountain,carrying in palms,as a sign,the first stone found on the path.I feel warm stone,like a soft breeze in the early morning,when the bow,hug the earth as a colored ribbon,of feelings hidden in the light.Get it in your palms,bound to the rhytmic pulse of the Times,adding,over the dust of stars,a mysterious mystery of the Words-are Beautiful.In my heart,warm stone becomes,by slightly raising,in another matter,the soft sand of the deep oceans,the trembling realities as encrypted,that longing after Angels could bring back the power of Love.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
vineri, 29 aprilie 2011
marți, 19 aprilie 2011
- Oglinda este Cerul,sicriul e Pamantul,o parte dintr-un Intreg,rotita,invechita si atat de necesara oamenilor,ca Apa.Alerg spre Locul in care heruvimii Intunericului,pastreaza apa de izvor si busuiocul pentru rugaciune,ca un semn al vesniciei.Mi-am aplecat fruntea inauntrul unui sicriu,ca sa-mi gasesc imaginea stravezie din oglinda,inima,ochii,palmele si Cuvintele-Ielele frumoasele,odihnindu-se ca intr-o scoica in care pulseaza Viata.Infiorata,am acoperit cu trupul meu oglinda,in semnul crucificarii,pentru un alt Timp,un alt Loc,o alta Iubire,dorita inca din copilarie,cand Jocul de-a Samariteanul era singura tasta apasata pe calculator.
- The mirror is Heaven,Earth's coffin,one part of a whole,rotated,outdated and much-needed people like water.I run to the place where cherubims of Darkness keeps spring water and basil for prayer,as a sign of eternity.I bent forehead inside a coffin to find my transparent picture in the mirror,the heart,the eyes,the palms and Words-Beautiful Elves,resting like in a shell in which pulsating life.Tingly,I covered the mirror with my body,in the sign crucifixion,for another time,another place,another love,wanted since childhood,when the game Samaritan was the only key pressed on the computer.
duminică, 17 aprilie 2011
- Ma refugiez printre cuvinte,ca sa ascult fiorul ascuns al Universului.Cu fata intoarsa spre Lumina,astept ca Ielele frumoasele sa revina din calatoria lor prin Cercul de Foc al Pamantului,locul tainic,ca o clepsidra,in care statornicesc toate dorintele nespuse ale Pamantenilor.Doar Izvorul le trdeaza prezenta,prin strafulgerari catifelate de lumina,ascunzandu-se in joaca printre undele din apa si din aer.Intind palmele spre acest minunat taram,ca sa-i simt prezenta,deschizand cu grija o poarta spre mijlocul cuvintelor.Astfel,printre Anotimpuri,Pamantul este binecuvantat cu soaptele sfintilor.Ingenunchez in rugaciune,cu o lacrima in coltul ochilor.Cu fruntea aplecata spre Pamant,ca frunzele desprinse de pe ramura copacilor,ma rog Cerului,sa mai stea cu mine inca o Eternitate,aici,pe Pamant,langa jertfa lasata in urma cuvintelor.Atunci,acoperi-ma-vor undele de ape,iar colturi minunate de stanci,se vor oglindi,alunecand ca un luceafar,peste ochii mei,dar cuvintele mele,Ielele frumoasele se vor odihni in trupul meu,risipit in praful de stele,primind ,in timp,jertfa inimii,rastignita inca din copilarie,ca un copil parasit.
- I seek refuge among the words,to listen hidden thrill of the Universe.Facing the light,wait for the Beautiful Elves to return from their journey throught the Circle of Fire the Earth,the secret place,like an hourglass in which establiched the unspoken desires of all peoples.Only Spring reveals it this by soft flashes of light,hiding in play among the waves of water and air.Extend palms to this great land,I feel to this,opening with care a gateway to the middle of words.So,among Seasons,Earth is blessed with saints whispers.Kneeling in prayer with a tear in the corner of the eyes.With forehead bowed down to earth,like loose leaves from the tree branch,bring a prayer of Heaven,to stand with me,still an eternity,here on Earth,near sacrifice,lagging behind the words.Then,waves of water will cover me,and beautiful corners of rock will mirror,slipping,like a star upon over my eyes,but the words,my Beautiful Elves,will rest in my body,dispersed in the dust of stars and received,in time,sacrifice heart,crucified,since childhood,as an abandoned child.
vineri, 15 aprilie 2011
- Duc in palma mea atata suferinta,cata poate duce fruntea lipita de pamant,si soaptele desculte ale sfintilor.Cu umerii intorsi spre curcubeu,urc poteca serpuitoare din Munte,strabatuta in zori de pasii pelerinilor.Umbre tacute,purtandu-si umilinta ca o flacara vie,s-au ascuns langa umbra frunzelor,ca sa adune piucaturi de roua,in care sa strecoare rugaciunile,ca niste firimituri de paine,ca sa-si masoare urcusul.Incepand de la poalele Muntelui isi apleaca fruntile fierbinti pe Stanca,ca sa-si scuture lanturile,sa le auda ecoul,ca o eliberare din Legea Firii,ca o jertfa a cuvintelor,daruita Cerului.Atingand usor undele Izvorului,cu aripile-i albe,un porumbel a trecut ca un gand zburdalnic,pe langa tamplele mele reci.Adun nisipul din albia raului,ca frunzele,ca sa ascult trecerea clipelor,cuvinte cu aripa cazuta,bobite de pamant peste care trecura apele,cu unduirea Timpului.Aluneca-vor ca valurile, soaptele sfintilor,atingand cu fruntea Cerul,desavarsite,inlacrimate,cucernice,risipite ca petale pe creasta stancilor,un fir de izvor care curge in sus,ca frunzele, care primesc raze de lumina in coroana copacilor.S-au agatat de Cer,ca o panza de paianjen translucida,prin care putem numara bobite de roua cucernice,ca rugaciuni,o poarta deschisa spre frumusete.Mi-am lipit fruntea de aceasta panza,si parca lacrimile mi s-au refugiat aici,ca niste rugaciuni pentru care nu se pot rosti cuvinte.Ridicand voalul ceturilor dese,lasate in urma de Strajerii Noptii si murmurand usor,Ielele frumoasele mi-au prins palmele,ca sa intru in dansul lor,si parca simt pe frunte stropi de roua,cazuti in zori,pe firele de iarba,ca o binecuvantare.
- Lead in palm of my hand so much suffering,how much can lead forehead stuck to the ground,and bare whispers of saints.With shoulders returned to the rainbow,climb the winding path of Mountain,crossed at dawn,the steps of pilgrims.Silent shadows,wearing humility as a living flame,hid near the shadow leaves to collect dew drops,in which to pour prayers,like bread crumbs,to measure the climb.Starting at the foot,leaning their fevered brow on the Rock,to shake the chains,to hear the echo,as a release from the law of nature,as a sacrifice of words,given to Heaven.Brushing the waves Spring,by her white wings,a bird passed,as a sprightly thought over my cold temples.Collect sand from the riverbed,the leaves,to listen passing moments,words with the wing fallen,berries of land over which waters passed with waving Time.Whispers saints will slide like waves,reching by forehead heaven,perfect,watery,pious,scattered like petals on ridge of rocks,a wire spring that flows up,like leaves that get rays of light in the trees crown.Were clung to Heaven as a cobweb translucent,which can we count devout dew berries,like prayers,an open door to beauty.I stuck my forehead the canvas and seem my tears found refuge here,like prayers,for which no words can say.Lifting the veil of thick mists,left by Night watchmens and murmuring slightly,Beautiful Elves caught my palms to go into their dance,and feel like on the forehead,dew drops who fell at dawn on the blades of grass,as a blessing.
marți, 12 aprilie 2011
- Un indemn din copilarie,al Izvorului,care curge cu fruntea indreptata spre Cer,o soapta in amurg,cazuta ca un licurici,in jocul soptit al frunzelor,care si-au legat inima de Cer,ca palma unui orb,care cauta orbecaind ,lumina,asezata pe picaturile de roua ale diminetii.Cu flori de iasomie in plete,Ielele frumoasele s-au asezat murmurand,in poienita,ca sa incercuiasca,din nou,mijlocul Pamantului.Curcubeul s-a asezat pe Pamant,atat e de alba lumina,aplecat cu unduirea vantului,salcamul inflorit isi scutura picaturile de apa de pe frunze,ca un semn.Trecand grabiti, ca niste ganduri razlete ramase la urma,ciorchini de nori calatoresc cu apusul soarelui,desenand umbre la marginea Padurii,peste care Soarele va rasari,a doua zi.Petrecute sunt zilele,in taina fi-vor daruite noptilor,in locul acesta,al Izvorului,care s-a asezat in inima mea.Turna-vor in zori din pocalul florilor,aroma parfumului strans de pe petale,ca o bucata de pasca,dulce,stropita cu lacrimi cazute din geana Cerului.Sub frunzele aplecate ale salcamului,un stol de vrabiute,sagetand poteca,ridica stropi colorati de ploaie,un fascicul luminos,din curcubeu,inveselind inima mea.
- A childhood urge,the fountain,flowing with the forehead pointing to the sky,a whisper in the Twilight,fallen like a firefly in the whispered game of leaves,which has bound the heart of heaven,as the palm a blind man who search grope,the light,sitting on drops of morning dew.The jasmine flowers in hair,Beautiful Elves settled murmuring in glade,to surround again,the earth.Rainbow was placed on Earth,so is white,the light,bending with the wind waving,acacia blossom,which he shakes water droplets on the leaves,as a sign.Moving fast,like stray thoughts left after,clusters of clouds,traveling with the sunset,drawing on the forest shadows over the sun will rise at dawn.Past are the days,in secret will be given to nights,in this place of Spring,that was placed in my heart.Dawn will pour out of the cup flowers,fragrance perfume,picking the petals,like a piece of bread,sweet,sprinkled with tears,fallen from heaven eyelash.Under folded leaves of acacia,a flock of sparrows,shoot the path,pick up colorful splash of rain,a light,the rainbow,cheering my heart.
luni, 4 aprilie 2011
- Vino sa colindam prin Curcubeu.Este ora cand roua de pe frunze,inmiresmata cu cel mai puternic parfum al genunilor,e pregatita sa imbratiseze urma pasilor tai.Numai acum,cand tainele Universului sunt in asteptare,lumina zorilor va avea putere sa-si dezvaluie misterul.Asa,voi avea curajul sa te prind de mana,sa te privesc in ochi,sa-ti zambesc,sa-ti dezvalui emotii,adunate in inima mea,ca Mataniile.Eram copil cand alergam cu ochi stralucitori pe strazile Singuratatii,cu inima pusa in piept de un Inger.Uite,se asterne roua sub urma pasilor tai,Pamantul a insetat si s-a racit.A venit timpul sa-i punem pe mijloc Braul acesta,tesut din fire argintii de praf de stele.Haideti,Ielelor frumoaselor,mai este timp pentru inca o Lacrima de Roua pana la ivirea zorilor.Acoperiti,acoperiti cu Praf de Stele,Cercul Pamantului,pentru ca trezirea diminetii sa fie de folos oamenilor.
- Come to wander the Rainbow.The time when dew on leaves,fragrant with the strongest scent of abyss,is ready to embrace traces of your steps.Only now,when the mysteries of the universe are waiting,dawn will have power to reveal the mystery.So,I will have the courage to grasp your hand,to look in your eyes,to smile you,to reveal emotions,gattered in my heart,like beads.I was a child when running with bright eyes,on streets of solitude,the heart put in the chest by an angel.Look,dew settles follow your steps-in,and Earth has thirsty and cold.It is time to put them in the middle Belt-it,weaving of silver wire of star dust.Come on Beautiful Elves,there is still time for another tear Dew until dawn.Covered,covered with star dust circle Earth,for waking up the morning to be useful to people.
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