- Chiar si Anotimpurile intra in dansul Ielelor,aici,unde Viata este ca o suflare eterica,lasata de legea firii.Ati prins in palme praful multicolor si jucaus al stelelor?Atat de jucaus, incat ti se prelinge printre degete ca o flacara de foc,iubire aducand.Ating cu degetele primii muguri ai acestei primaveri.Parfumul florilor aduce o bucurie nemarginita in inima mea.Nelinistita, astept ca Ielele frumoasele sa ma cheme in dansul lor,pe Pamantul fraged al Eternitatii.
- Even in Seasons come dancing Elves,here,where life is like a breath ether allowed by the law of nature.You get in colorful and playful hands of star dust?So playful,that trickles through your fingers as a flame of fire,love brings.Touch the fingers of the first buds of spring.Smell of flowers brings a boundless joy in my heart.Restless,waiting the Beautiful Elves to call me in their dance,the Earth"s tender Eternity.
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