- Singuratatea a cazut peste ochii mei,ca Norii Negrii,fara continut,curgand in Cuvinte,ca un Izvor,cu fruntea indreptata spre Cer,spre seva trupului-semn ca Ceva nu merge,ca Cineva s-a imbolnavit de Dor,este slabit din pricina Lanturilor si nu mai poate plange.Cand Cuvintele devin Umbre,inima ranita invata sa asculte chemarea lor,sa le simta prezenta,ca o adiere de vant in primavara.Apoi,lanturile se desfac in tacere,in inima se strecoara un gand,o speranta.Poposind sub umbra copacilor,Ielele frumoasele s-au prins in jocul lor.
- Lonelinnes fell over my eyes,as dark clouds,without content,flowing in words,like a spring,with forehead toward heaven,to sap of body-a sign that something is going wrong,that someone was sick of longing,is weakened because Chain,and can not complain.When words become shadows,wounded heart learns to listen to their calling,to feel their presence,like a spring breeze.Then the chains unfold in silence,in the heart slips a thought,a hope.Halt under the shade trees,Beautiful Elves were caught in their game.
How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...
marți, 29 martie 2011
sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011
- Din rugaciune ma ridic.Sunt pregatita sa dau acest test cutremurator in fata vesniciei,eu,care am trait in mijlocul Ielelor.Iluzii fierbinti ale nemarginirii,Ielele frumoasele s-au aplecat tulburate peste fruntea mea.Cu o lacrima in coltul ochilor,mi-au sarutat privirea fixata in Abis.
- I get up from prayer.I am ready to give this earthshaking test,in front of eternity,I who have lived in the middle of Elves.Hot illusions of boundlessness,Beautiful Elves bowed troubled over my forehead.With a tear in the corner of the eyes,kissed my look,fixed on the abyss.
miercuri, 23 martie 2011
- Chiar si Anotimpurile intra in dansul Ielelor,aici,unde Viata este ca o suflare eterica,lasata de legea firii.Ati prins in palme praful multicolor si jucaus al stelelor?Atat de jucaus, incat ti se prelinge printre degete ca o flacara de foc,iubire aducand.Ating cu degetele primii muguri ai acestei primaveri.Parfumul florilor aduce o bucurie nemarginita in inima mea.Nelinistita, astept ca Ielele frumoasele sa ma cheme in dansul lor,pe Pamantul fraged al Eternitatii.
- Even in Seasons come dancing Elves,here,where life is like a breath ether allowed by the law of nature.You get in colorful and playful hands of star dust?So playful,that trickles through your fingers as a flame of fire,love brings.Touch the fingers of the first buds of spring.Smell of flowers brings a boundless joy in my heart.Restless,waiting the Beautiful Elves to call me in their dance,the Earth"s tender Eternity.
- Tasneste din Adanc,frematand in necuprinsul joc al Eternitatii.Urcand din Abis,chemata de un gand launtric,un fierbinte impuls de a supravietui,inmiresmata Flacara de Foc,s-a refugiat in inima mea,ducand pe aripi,blandetea Iubirii.Aici,unde pietrele stau in asteptare,imi plec genunchii osteniti,ascultand infiorata,fierbintele ecou al Tenebrelor.
- Oozing out of the Deep,flickering in the boundlessness game of Eternity.Climbing from Abyss,called the most thought,an ardent impulse to survive,fragrant flaming fire,took refuge in my heart,leading on wings,kindness of Love.Here,where stones are waiting,I bow my tired knees,listening creepy hotness echo of darkness.
vineri, 18 martie 2011
- Cu ochi inlacrimati,m-am oprit la marginea Abisului,Poarta privata a dezmostenitilor.Cu inima smulsa in piept,imi plec fruntea fierbinte peste Taramul Dorului.Din Adanc,o Flacara de Foc,Iubire aducand,deschide inima mea,cu o cheie a Eternitatii,ascunsa,ca o petala rosie de trandafir,in soaptele Cuvintelor.As vrea sa intru in Jocul vostru,Ielelor frumoaselor,dar sunt legata cu sapte legaturi statornice,de o inima,de un cuvant,de o dorinta,din copilarie,cand colindam cu ochi stralucitori pe Strazile Singuratatii.
- With teary eyes,I stopped at the edge of the Abyss,private gate of disinherited.The heart torn in the chest,I leave hot forehead,upon the Longing Land.From the Deep,Flame of Fire,bringing love,open my heart with a key of Eternity,hidden,like a red rose petal,in whispers words.I would like to get into your game,Beautiful Elves,but I'm tied with seven knots lasting,one heart,one word,a desire,from childhood,when wandering with twinkling eyes,on lonely streets.
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