How to catch in your palms ,one end of the rainbow...

marți, 12 aprilie 2011


  • Un indemn din copilarie,al Izvorului,care curge cu fruntea indreptata spre Cer,o soapta in amurg,cazuta ca un licurici,in jocul soptit al frunzelor,care si-au legat inima de Cer,ca palma unui orb,care cauta orbecaind ,lumina,asezata pe picaturile de roua ale diminetii.Cu flori de iasomie in plete,Ielele frumoasele s-au asezat murmurand,in poienita,ca sa incercuiasca,din nou,mijlocul Pamantului.Curcubeul s-a asezat pe Pamant,atat e de alba lumina,aplecat cu unduirea vantului,salcamul inflorit isi scutura picaturile de apa de pe frunze,ca un semn.Trecand grabiti, ca niste ganduri razlete ramase la urma,ciorchini de nori calatoresc cu apusul soarelui,desenand umbre la marginea Padurii,peste care Soarele va rasari,a doua zi.Petrecute sunt zilele,in taina fi-vor daruite noptilor,in locul acesta,al Izvorului,care s-a asezat in inima mea.Turna-vor in zori din pocalul florilor,aroma parfumului strans de pe petale,ca o bucata de pasca,dulce,stropita cu lacrimi cazute din geana Cerului.Sub frunzele aplecate ale salcamului,un stol de vrabiute,sagetand poteca,ridica stropi colorati de ploaie,un fascicul luminos,din curcubeu,inveselind inima mea.
  • A childhood urge,the fountain,flowing with the forehead pointing to the sky,a whisper in the Twilight,fallen like a firefly in the whispered game of leaves,which has bound the heart of heaven,as the palm a blind man who search grope,the light,sitting on drops of morning dew.The jasmine flowers in hair,Beautiful Elves settled murmuring in glade,to surround again,the earth.Rainbow was placed on Earth,so is white,the light,bending with the wind waving,acacia blossom,which he shakes water droplets on the leaves,as a sign.Moving fast,like stray thoughts left after,clusters of clouds,traveling with the sunset,drawing on the forest shadows over the sun will rise at dawn.Past are the days,in secret will be given to nights,in this place of Spring,that was placed in my heart.Dawn will pour out of the cup flowers,fragrance perfume,picking the petals,like a piece of bread,sweet,sprinkled with tears,fallen from heaven eyelash.Under folded leaves of acacia,a flock of sparrows,shoot the path,pick up colorful splash of rain,a light,the rainbow,cheering my heart.